Mar 112014
Travel Ideas for an Epic Gamer’s Spring Break

The snow is finally starting to melt, and you know what that means: we’re now at the start of Spring Break season. It’s that glorious time of year when most college students head for the beach to binge-drink and then make decisions they’ll probably regret once they sober up and notice every drunken action they forgot about is up on [Read more…]

Mar 042014
Can Video Games Promote Peace?

Take all the time you need to absorb that question; I know it’s a pretty bold one to ask. When you consider most triple-A titles today contain more gunfire, bombs and destruction than the collected film history of Michael Bay, it can be hard to imagine that video games could also be a medium to resolve global conflicts rather than [Read more…]

Feb 182014
Can Looking Back Develop a Better Modern Gaming Experience?

I recently dropped $399 on a beautiful Wii U, capable of high-definition graphics and endless gameplay configurations thanks to its tablet-like Gamepad. But the game I enjoyed playing the most on my Wii U so far is a traditional platformer that only uses a D-pad and two buttons. That’s right, I can’t get enough of my $20 copy of DuckTales: [Read more…]

Feb 112014
“Sonic Boom” Could be the Reboot the Blue Blur Sorely Needs

I know, that may be a tough headline to read for people familiar with the “Sonic cycle,” the seemingly never-ending sequence where a new Sonic the Hedgehog game gets announced, people get into a frenzy thinking this game will revive Sega’s most famous franchise, only to be disappointed when they play the game and find it’s just as mediocre as [Read more…]

Jan 282014
Full Independence is the Future for Gaming Web Content Creators

This past weekend, after being nothing more than a green-colored screen with a logo on it for more than a year, returned to the Internet as a full-fledged gaming entertainment site. Normal Boots is once again the official home for several video game personalities, including JonTron, PeanutButterGamer, The Completionist, and Did You Know Gaming, as well as some newcomers [Read more…]

Jan 212014
Could This Be Valve's Big Year?

A great prophecy was foretold on the Internet this week. The brilliant bearded bespectacled deity of the PC gamers, Gabe Newell himself, descended upon Reddit, making an account to deliver his divine word to the gaming world. So it was spoken, and written in the Book of Steam: “I’ll do an AMA [“Ask Me Anything”] once we hit $500K in [Read more…]