Mar 282014
A Much-Needed Remix: The Case for Television Reboots

Welcome to another edition of Channel Chaser. When anyone talks about a new television show that pops up on the tube, the primary topic on everyone’s mind seems to be the originality factor; in other words, what is this show doing or saying through its plot, characters, setting, or other elements that has never been done before? The novelty and [Read more…]

Mar 262014
Anime Boston 2014 Report, Part 1: Friday

Our Editor in Chief attended Anime Boston on March 21st and 22nd, which marked the first time our website has covered an event with official press credentials.  This article is the first part of a narrative piece on his experience at one of the east coast’s most prominent anime and manga conventions. As any convention veteran would expect, the day [Read more…]

Mar 252014
What’s the Deal With All These “Simulator” Games?

Have you ever felt like “simulator” games are starting to oversaturate the PC gaming market? I started to feel that way this week. I could accept the hype behind Train Simulator, because many real train enthusiasts play such a game seriously. And I enjoy Surgeon Simulator; while it is silly with its broken physics engine and complicated controls, you’re motivated [Read more…]

Mar 202014
Out of Time: The Trippy Triumph of Life on Mars

Welcome to another edition of Channel Chaser! Today, I would like to take a trip back to 2008–and maybe even a little bit further–to discuss a lost gem of American popular culture; the short-lived but spectacular series Life on Mars. Life on Mars premiered on ABC in the fall of 2008 as yet another Americanized spin-off version of a foreign [Read more…]

Mar 192014
What to Look for at Anime Boston 2014

Anime Boston is this weekend, and those of you reading this are either going or living vicariously through articles about it.  Either way, there’s a lot going on at the big name in east coast anime conventions, so here’s a quick look at some of the most important things happening this year. Attack on Titan dub After revealing the English [Read more…]

Mar 172014
Lessons Learned at the 2014 Australian Grand Prix

As the first race in a season full of new technical regulations, the Australian Grand Prix was always going to be a learning experience for everyone involved.  Now that the champagne has been uncorked and the teams have moved on to the next venue, it’s time to take a look at what we learned from the start of F1’s new [Read more…]

Mar 142014
Highway to Hell: Supernatural is Back With a Vengeance

For all my readers, welcome to the first edition of Channel Chaser! In this column, I’ll be discussing everything TV-related, from reviews and trends to discussion and analysis. First, a bit about myself: I am a senior journalism major at Ithaca College in New York, originally from Philadelphia, an aspiring writer, and an avid watcher of all things television. While [Read more…]

Mar 122014
Five Lessons Hiding in the Plot of Genshiken

Genshiken holds an interesting and somewhat timeless position in the world of anime and manga.  It follows the members of The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture (abbreviated as the Genshiken), a college club dedicated to geeking out over each and every aspect of otaku culture.  The original manga series began over ten years ago, and recently returned [Read more…]

Mar 112014
Travel Ideas for an Epic Gamer’s Spring Break

The snow is finally starting to melt, and you know what that means: we’re now at the start of Spring Break season. It’s that glorious time of year when most college students head for the beach to binge-drink and then make decisions they’ll probably regret once they sober up and notice every drunken action they forgot about is up on [Read more…]