Feb 122014
Unboxing the English Edition of Weiss Schwarz

If there’s one thing anime fans love, it’s tracking down merchandise from our favorite shows.  Print our favorite characters on anything from a mug to a messenger bag and we’ll buy it.  Naturally, then, I was intrigued to learn about a trading card game based around popular anime franchises.  I threw some money at the Internet, and soon had a [Read more…]

Feb 112014
“Sonic Boom” Could be the Reboot the Blue Blur Sorely Needs

I know, that may be a tough headline to read for people familiar with the “Sonic cycle,” the seemingly never-ending sequence where a new Sonic the Hedgehog game gets announced, people get into a frenzy thinking this game will revive Sega’s most famous franchise, only to be disappointed when they play the game and find it’s just as mediocre as [Read more…]

Feb 102014
Movie Review: The Lego Movie

Though the general public tends to shame some companies for ruthless marketing strategies, it’s impossible to be mad at LEGO, that lovable company that has been making interlocking plastic bricks for generations of children since it started in the 1950s. LEGO is so incredible at marketing itself using cross-platform techniques that it now has its own miniature media empire that [Read more…]

Feb 052014
The Terror of Explaining Anime to Someone You Just Met

It happens from time to time, even to the best of us.  Caught flat-footed on an off day, we suddenly find ourselves completely incapable of explaining our hobbies to someone without babbling like a moron.  In one terrifying instant, years of knowledge and insight melt away, leaving behind an inarticulate puddle of stupidity.  Here for your amusement is a retelling [Read more…]

Feb 032014
F1 Pre-Season, Round One: This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

This year’s first F1 pre-season test wrapped up last Friday, and the four-day session in Spain has given the sport’s fans plenty to argue about.  We’ve learned what the new cars look like, and gotten our first impression of how well new engines are working.  In both an aesthetic and mechanical sense, it’s not a pretty picture for a number [Read more…]

Jan 302014
The Likable Villains of Kill la Kill

Something interesting happened while I was watching the last few episodes of Kill la Kill: I found myself cheering on the villains.  As Satsuki and the Elite Four launched their assault on the neighboring schools, I was eager to see them bring down the proverbial hammer on their opponents.  At first glance, this shouldn’t make any sense.  Having spent a [Read more…]

Jan 282014
Full Independence is the Future for Gaming Web Content Creators

This past weekend, after being nothing more than a green-colored screen with a logo on it for more than a year, NormalBoots.com returned to the Internet as a full-fledged gaming entertainment site. Normal Boots is once again the official home for several video game personalities, including JonTron, PeanutButterGamer, The Completionist, and Did You Know Gaming, as well as some newcomers [Read more…]