Jan 222014
Streaming Anime and the Death of the Cheap Box Set

I bought exactly four anime series on DVD or Blu-Ray in 2013.  If you went back to 2008 and presented my past self with that number, he’d probably assume that I’d either gone broke or simply stopped watching so much anime.  I haven’t gone broke (though I’m working on it), and I watch more anime now than ever before.  So, [Read more…]

Jan 212014
Could This Be Valve's Big Year?

A great prophecy was foretold on the Internet this week. The brilliant bearded bespectacled deity of the PC gamers, Gabe Newell himself, descended upon Reddit, making an account to deliver his divine word to the gaming world. So it was spoken, and written in the Book of Steam: “I’ll do an AMA [“Ask Me Anything”] once we hit $500K in [Read more…]

Jan 162014
Game Review: Samurai Gunn

Reviewing a game like Samurai Gunn objectively, while at the same time trying to account for everyone’s subjective experience, is impossible. I remember my friends and I turning to each other and calling the game our “game of the year” for 2013. This may seem completely ridiculous to some. How can an 8-bit art style stack up to the visual [Read more…]

Jan 152014
Some Early Thoughts on Space Dandy

Space Dandy has been grabbing a lot of attention this season, and it’s not difficult to see why.  It shares some major creative staff with Cowboy Bebop, and offers a similar sense of sci-fi stylishness.  On top of that, it’s airing in English on American TV in sync with the Japanese broadcast.  But is it any good?  With all the [Read more…]

Jan 062014

Hi there, folks.  As you may have noticed, it’s a new year, full of hope and yet-unbroken resolutions.  As we head into this first part of 2014, there will be a few things changing on the site, along with many things staying the same.  We’re looking forward to bringing you all kinds of new and exciting content this year, and [Read more…]