No matter how Mr. Shark the shark puppet looks at it, it’s you guys’ fault he’s not popular.
Mr. Shark the shark puppet reviews the new series from Rooster Teeth and gets buried under a pile of video game controllers.
Mr. Shark reviews an anime series about farming, the ponders the edibility of a stuffed chicken.
Mr. Shark does some recon on a show about girls with airsoft guns.
Mr. Shark geeks out over the new season of Genshiken and fails miserably at talking like a girl.
Mr. Shark the shark puppet takes a break from his usual duties to review the SyFy channel movie Sharknado.
Mr. Shark makes some waves as he reviews the swimming anime that’s got everyone talking this season.
Mr. Shark takes a look at five of the season’s most promising new shows.
Mr. Shark feels all the feelings as he reviews the comedy with a thousand names.
Mr. Shark fights the urge to feast on fast food as he reviews the year’s most entertaining fantasy comedy.